For the second year in a row, Mommy helped plan the Nemours Family Cystinosis Conference with my doctor JJ and my friend Chandler’s dad, Clint. This year was even bigger than last year, and we had 16 families from all over the east coast attend the event, with a total of over 70 people in attendance! I met new friends (two who are my age!) and had so much fun with all of my cystinosis family. Then, after the event we went to Chandler’s Chance Christmaspalooza, a Cystinosis Research Network fundraiser at Chandler’s house. Santa Claus was there and I got to dance to some pretty cool music! I can’t wait to see how big next year’s event is!
Third Annual Nemours Cystinosis Family Conference
Mommy Speaking at the Nemours Family Cystinosis Event