Daddy and his friends decided to have a small cystinosis fundraiser this past weekend; they went fishing (something they love to do!), and our friends and family donated money for every fish they caught! After over 12 hours of fishing, Daddy and his friends caught 335 fish to raise funds for me and my friends; I am so proud of them!
Mommy and I anxiously waited to hear how their day was going; while the morning went well, the afternoon was a bit slower, and we were all worried that the fundraiser wouldn't be as successful as we'd hoped, as most of the pledges made were based on how many fish the guys caught! But Daddy, Uncle Ian, Hans (Brooke-Trout Man) and my biggest supporter Ralph fished and fished, and fished some more, and really came through for me!
I just want Daddy and his friends to know how much I love them for helping me out. I also want everyone who donated to know how much it means to me, Mommy and Daddy to have their support and love. We will beat this disease because people like you are helping us along the way! I can't wait until our next fundraiser!